The Full Moon takes place at 06.22 BST on September 2nd at 10 degrees 11′ Pisces.

This Full Corn Moon is the last Full Moon of Summer. This year the September Full Moon occurs early in the month, so the Harvest Moon – the Full Moon that falls closest to the Autumnal Equinox – is in October. Notably, there are Two Full Moons in October, the Harvest Moon on October 1st is followed by another one, on October 31st – Halloween.

The Full Moon is sextile Uranus (Rx) the planet of change and independence, conjunct fixed star Skat – a star linked with both wishes and Uranus – and furthermore the corresponding tarot card, the 9 of Cups is known as the wish card!

However, whilst the Full Moon itself – Moon opposite Sun – is potentially promising, the rest of the chart is busy, and reflects the tension and unease in the world. The stormy scenarios of 2020 are still ongoing, massive change has occurred and is still unfolding, so we can’t expect all out miracles. The Sun is in Virgo, exactly opposite the Moon in Pisces, Virgo is associated with realities and Pisces with dreams, and deceit. Suggesting the Full Moon is about trying to find a balance between careful analysis and imaginative, compassionate change. That individually we need to clarify information, be critical of anything not in our best interests, as well as trying to empathise with, and understand the pain and fears of others.

The Full Moon is about insights and tactics (Uranus) that ease the way, that help us flow creatively around restrictions and enable us to find a way forwards.


There is a huge amount of activity in this chart, indicative of the simmering tensions and frustrations in the world, the anger and fear surrounding the multiple, mundane issues and problems, and the confusing array of ideas, and opinions, on the best way to handle them. We are all likely to be experiencing varying degrees of pressure somewhere, as current worldly turmoils impact our personal lives, whether it is in our relationships, family life, career or finances.

For me personally, here in the UK, the Full Moon is illustrative of the excitement my daughter is feeling at her imminent return to school, following nearly 6 months at home due to school closures as a result of Covid-19. An excitement no doubt shared by thousands of other children, as they look forward to being re-united with their friends.

But … (in 2020 there is always a but!) the Full Moon chart also features an exact opposition between Venus in Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn, both at 25 degrees, that forms a T-Square with Mars in Aries at 27 degrees. Parents and teachers – as well as the children themselves – may also simultaneously be feeling slightly anxious, concerned and even fearful.

Venus in Cancer highlights the desire to nurture and support our children, wrapped up with an essential need to protect them. In opposition to Venus, Saturn shows the restrictions and boundaries in place, casts a serious shadow, brings a heaviness that emphasises both necessity and caution. Mars as the apex planet of the T-Square shows not only the new approaches in place to try and minimise the spread of Covid-19, the potential strain of adjusting to them, but also the dilemma for many parents around whether to return their children to school at all.

Of course, this T-Square extends, spirals out into the general, widespread, global unease. It’s tough, bringing the potential for feeling the limits, what’s unfair in our world, conflict between the public, the masses, with the policies and actions of powerful structures and authorities.

Mars brings a focus to our individual and collective actions and behaviour, additionally Mars stations retrograde on September 19th, meaning he is currently closer to Earth. Anger and unrest can easily surface at this time. Furthermore, Mars will also square the Capricorn trio – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto – three times each, the first exact squares have already taken place and the overall influence continues into next year.

Remember, in time, this will all pass, be behind us. For now, be aware that frustrations and tensions are likely to be around a while and are best handled with caution and patience. Try to empathise with and provide support to others where you can, if you are struggling reach out to someone.

The need to inform ourselves, make decisions based on our own research – Mercury trine Saturn and Pluto – is key, along with a readiness to align with our intuition – Moon in Pisces – and take steps to alter our path rapidly, as soon as new insights or developments occur – Uranus.

At this Pisces Full Moon we can find liberation through our dreams and imagination, our vision of a better future. Turn the outer noise down, be still, take time to think and reflect, flow with the insight. Creative solutions to problems could easily emerge.

Fixed Stars ~ Skat

Skat at 9 degrees 08′ Pisces is located in the Constellation Aquarius, Skat is on the Shin-bone of the Water Bearer. The word Skat is derived from either the Arabic Al Shi’at – a Wish, or Al Sak – the Shin-bone.

“According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. It gives good fortune and lasting happiness.” ~ Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson

With Moon ~ “New and influential friends, associated with companies, public position but little prominence, valuable gifts, love of respectable women.” ~ Robson

From near this star delta (Skat) issues a meteor stream, the delta Aquarids, (July 14 to August 18), and not far away Mayer noted as a fixed star, on the 25th of September, 1756. the object that nearly twenty-five years later Sir William Herschel observed as a comet, but afterwards ascertained to be a new planet, our Uranus.” ~ Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen


The Full Moon occurs in the 2nd decan of Pisces ruled by Jupiter (the Moon by triplicity), and the corresponding tarot card is the 9 of Cups. The influence of both Jupiter, and the Moon, is powerful here, as Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, and The Moon card in the tarot is the Major Arcana card that corresponds with Pisces.

Pisces Decan II ~ “There rises in the second face of Pisces a man upside down with his head below and his feet raised up, and in his hand is a tray from which the food has been eaten. This is a face of great reward, and of strong will in things that are high, serious and thoughtful.” ~ PICATRIX

This image from Picatrix resonates, is evocative of The Hanged Man, a card that corresponds with Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces and indicative of an alternative perspective of reality, an awareness of other dimensions. In the 9 of Cups the combination of the Moon and Jupiter facilitates using intuition, insight into the unseen to create blessings and good fortune.

The 9 of Cups is known as the wish card. Book T calls this card “Material Happiness”

The Rider-Waite-Smith card depicts a rotund, wealthy man. Above him 9 golden cups are displayed. The man has obtained and enjoys his material success.

But, whilst the man has material prosperity, there is further spiritual wisdom to be attained, hidden behind the blue curtain, if he chooses to seek it.

The Nine of Cups speaks of enjoying the fruits of our labour. It suggests physical and emotional satisfaction, as well as a measure of victory over the material challenges in life. We have reached a point when we have much to offer and share with others. We feel secure psychologically.

Still, we can’t expect to sit there on that bench indefinitely. The semiarchway shape of the counter symbolises a starting point for inner growth. There is life behind that curtain, and it calls to us.” ~ Spiritual Tarot, Echols, Mueller and Thomson, page 192


Top Image by Paz Arande on Unsplash

9 of Cups from the Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schroter


Fixed Stars ~

The Complete Picatrix, translated by John Michael Greer and Christopher Warnock


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