Hi, If you would like to book a reading or have any queries - I am very happy to answer any questions - please fill in the form and I will reply as soon as I can! Thank You!

Readings ~ What I offer  

Astrology illuminates a way to attain enhanced wisdom, guidance and meaning in our lives. A mindful appreciation that the universe is alive and consciously engaged with us. 

I offer sensitive, supportive readings that are intended to provide insight and awareness. I describe the influences and the possibilities they suggest. A reading helps you to reflect upon and contemplate your life. It can bring reassurance to choices or point towards exploring alternatives, as well as indicate any potential changes to your current situation on the horizon.  

I use the Tropical Zodiac, any prominent fixed stars and either whole or placidus houses. Below is an outline of readings I offer, along with the information I will need from you ~ you can either let me know the below information when you book, or I can send you a new client intake form when I receive your booking ~ If you have any questions, requests, or to book a reading – please use the contact form or email me at kate@arionastrology.com

Readings are typed and delivered via e-mail in a PDF format. Generally I aim to complete and send out a reading in 7-14 days, but depending on how many prior bookings I have, it may be longer. 

Information I will need from you

  • I will need your birth date, time and location. Please send your birth date in this format – 01st May 2019 to avoid any confusion with date/month! Your time of birth needs to be clearly stated and include whether it was am or pm. For the location, please include the town/city and country.
  • If you do not know your exact time of birth, I can still read your chart, but it will be lacking certain details, for instance the exact placement of your Moon – as the Moon travels approximately 13 degrees every day. These are essential for a comprehensive analysis, but the signs and degrees of the Sun and other planets will be revealed, along with the aspects they make, all of which still yields a lot of information.
  • I also like to know if there are any specific areas, or questions you would like me to focus on, along with the dates of any related events. This helps me to make sure I cover what is important to you. If you just want a general reading that is fine too!
  • Additionally, an idea of your astrological knowledge is helpful so I know how much technical detail to include in your report.

Readings ~ Options

I have included an approximate idea of the page length of each reading so you know what to expect – generally they are slightly longer!

Natal Chart Reading ~  2 or 4 pages ~ £40 or £50

A reading of your birth chart can help you to decipher and attain a clearer picture of yourself, and life. Illuminate how and where you find ease, what ignites your enthusiasm and where you may perceive resistance.

Natal Chart Reading including Fixed Stars ~ 6 pages ~ £65 

A more detailed reading, that also looks into the fixed stars active in your chart.

Please note this reading will take me longer to complete. 

The Current Sky ~ 2 pages ~ £40

A look at the transiting planets in reference to your birth chart, to decipher how they are influencing your life now, and about 3 to 6 months into the future. 

Ask a Question ~ 2  pages ~ £40

If all you really want is insight into one specific concern or dilemma. I will look at your natal chart, transits, progressed chart and solar return – focusing on that issue.

Tarot Reading ~ 1-2 pages ~ £15

A 3-card tarot reading. I may pull additional cards to attain further insight.  

Payment is via PayPal – I will send details when I receive your booking. If you would like to book a reading, have any queries, or requests not listed above, please either fill out the contact form or e-mail me at kate@arionastrology.com  

After you have received your reading, I am happy to answer questions to help clarify any points. I wish for any reading to be as helpful as possible.

Please Note – All readings contain my personal astrological perspective and interpretation. A chart indicates rather than absolutely states certain traits or outcomes. Tarot illustrates a probable outcome if we continue on the same path, as well as offering insights and guidance. 

The future within certain boundaries is fluid, destiny and free will interweave. In all moments in time, whatever we are experiencing, we are free to choose our thoughts and actions, the picture we wish to create in life. My descriptions are supposed to be a guide, that hopefully opens a deeper, more meaningful understanding of yourself and your life. Enhanced awareness of ourselves and the current influences in the sky, can help us to avoid an unwise option or seize an opportunity.

All readings are strictly confidential. I will never share any details of your reading, birth data or email address. 









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