Mars is our personal will-power… Pluto is power.
Mars trine/sextile Pluto
Mars and Pluto are both rulers of the sign Scorpio – Mars is the traditional ruler, Pluto the modern, since the discovery of Pluto in 1930.
A trine is considered a positive aspect, and indicates ease and flow in the relationship between planets, no effort is needed to manifest the energies involved. A sextile is also quite harmonious, it encourages and brings the opportunity to manifest the energies, but they require more work to produce results.
Mars is strong-willed, assertive and competitive, he illustrates our own motivations – what ignites us and how we take action. Mars along with co-ruling Scorpio, rules the sign Aries, where action, energy, drive and enthusiasm are illustrated. Aries however can lack depth and staying power, but both are Scorpion strengths. Mars expressed through Scorpio (trine/sextile Pluto) combines personal will together with – power, emotional intensity, obsession and fierce survival instincts that can concoct a force to be reckoned with, for good or ill.
Pluto, lord of the underworld depicts what is invisible, hidden beneath the surface. The mysteries of life, death and re-birth. Pluto correlates with immense power, a greater force and the wealth of wisdom that can be achieved through experience and self-awareness.
Mars trine or sextile Pluto makes for natives who have formidable inner strength, will-power and faith. They possess an ability to dig deep and overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Individuals who seek to survive no matter what it takes, and have the capacity to use traumatic experiences to transform and grow personally – the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Pluto, as lord of the underworld brings a desire to, and ease with, exploring dark, concealed, mysterious realms that others shy away from – death, psychology and the occult. Natives are likely to look to increase their self-knowledge, and to find the hidden meaning – the why and how – in what manner things connect and function.
Relationships and sex are likely to be areas that feature powerful impulses and emotions. This could potentially lead to hot, intense, romantic attachments, that may feature hints of obsession and glimpses of possessiveness.
Mars-Pluto natives likely have oodles of confidence and courage, along with excellent instincts and intuition. Undoubtedly, they are liable to have abundant potential, combined with potent energy, to accomplish their goals – no matter how much work or struggle it takes.
All in all, Mars and Pluto reveal the complex relationship between fate and free will, we can’t control everything, only our reactions to it – our approach can be destructive or productive.
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The signs and planets all have rich and varied mythological stories spun around them. Exploring astrology, using the tales as tools, helps enhance understanding and insight into the astrology.

In Greek Mythology, Ares (Mars) the god of war, is the son of Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera (Juno). Unfavourably for Mars, neither of his parents bonded with him and he was sent to Hermes’ son, Priapus to be tutored. Priapus taught Mars the art of dance before developing his skills as a warrior. To me, this vividly brings to mind Muhammed Ali and his famous quote “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” – Muhammed Ali, very conspicuously, also had a close natal square between Mars and Pluto.
Not only did Mars have a difficult relationship with his parents, he was also not very popular with the other gods, aside from Venus, who loved him. Due to the rejection Mars experienced from his parents, he was determined to help his own children whenever they needed it, proving to be a loyal and protective father. Whilst Mars was not a mastermind, a planner – usually he acted in the heat of the moment and followed his instincts – at the same time he would generally stand up for the underdog and the oppressed.

Hades (Pluto) is the brother of Jupiter and Poseidon (Neptune) and god of the underworld. Both the god and the realm were known by the same name – Hades – and were closely identified with each other.
Pluto avoided contact with others as much as possible. According to the myths he only left the underworld twice – once to abduct Persephone, and once to go to Olympus to be healed of a wound inflicted by Heracles. Pluto owned a cap that made its wearer invisible and used it retain his privacy. Pluto was a loner, who had no interest in conflicts or drama; Pluto didn’t want much – but what he did – he made sure he got.

Relationship wise, Mars renowned for being a fantastic lover, tended to have long-lived affairs. The most famous being with Venus. Pluto was known for one relationship – his obsession with and abduction of Persephone. Ultimately, after much despair and anguish for Persephone and her mother Ceres, a deal was struck whereby Persephone would spend half the year with Ceres on the Earth – the spring and summertime – and the other half with Pluto in the underworld. Pluto and Persephone ruled the underworld together, and Pluto was utterly faithful to Persephone.
MARS ~ The Tower
PLUTO ~ Judgement
Top Image from Unsplash by Tania Medina
Mars and Venus surprised by Vulcan – Alexandre Charles Guillemot – from Wikimedia Commons
Heintz-Joseph-the-Elder – The Rape of Proserpina – from Wikimedia Commons
Orpheuse before Pluto and Persephone – Francois Perrier – From Wikimedia Commons