The New Moon takes place at 15.05 pm GMT on November 26th at 4 degrees 03′ Sagittarius.

The New Moon is conjunct asteroid Pallas at 7 degrees 49′ Sagittarius. As well as entwined with the restless and potentially disruptive Mars/Uranus opposition – the New Moon is quincunx Uranus and semi-sextile Mars.

Sagittarius is optimistic and loves a gamble – something is being fired up! An adventure that leads to a better future?

New Moon Meaning

The Sun and Moon are conjunct at the start of a new cycle. A New Moon indicates we could be initiating and putting in place changes. Commencing something new or refreshing, spicing up a habitual routine.

It’s a time seeds are sown – new ideas, goals or approaches in life.



The New Moon conjunct Pallas – a goddess of wisdom – suggests that knowledge, information or ideas may come to light, that prove to be insightful and valuable. Perhaps helping us to learn and absorb something important or find an innovative solution to something that has been a bit of a dilemma.

The New Moon quincunx Uranus means that a background buzz of restless energy or even irritation may be discernible. Within ourselves, or flavouring the collective vibe by floating around and enveloping the atmosphere. The need to alter or adjust something may appear suddenly, leading us to potentially take action (Mars) – and make a move in an unanticipated direction.

Mars in Scorpio also brings up the possibility that feelings may be intense, and action is likely to be focused and determined.

At the New Moon there is also a minor grand trine – between Mercury in Scorpio (in direct motion, but still in the post shadow zone) Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces.

Communications and thoughts (Mercury) may make clear (Saturn) previous intuitive insight (Neptune). Equally, inspired ideas and dreams (Neptune), may connect to practical ways forward and start to become reality (Saturn).

Neptune stations direct on November 27th – meaning that energy around an idea or dream is now starting to flow forwards.

Fixed stars ~ Acrab and Dschubba

Fixed stars  Acrab and Dschubba are in the constellation Scorpio, on the head of the Scorpion.

The Scorpion presides over arms”  ~ Astronomica, Manilus, 1st Century AD, book 4, page 253

(Acrab) “and Dschubba (both stars on the head of the Scorpio) are supposed to correspond to a Mars character with a blend of Saturn characteristics….According to tradition, these stars are credited with giving the ability to do research, and especially research into things of a particularly secret and hidden nature.” ~ Fixed Stars and their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, page 69

Dschubba – “Situated on the head of the Scorpion, not where its armament is, which is at the rear. It is a fighter of great skill and characterizes Mars-Saturn perfectly. Anyone with this star strong in their horoscope is likely to show a patient and wary approach to any situation, but this will belie the skilled determination which will then be bought to bear…..In research of all other kinds too, it distinguishes the real adept.” ~ The Living Stars, Dr Eric Morse, page 84-85


The New Moon takes place in the 1st decan of Sagittarius ruled by Mercury (Jupiter by triplicity). The tarot card corresponding with this decan is the 8 of Wands.

Mercury, the messenger – speedy and quick thinking – is combined with Sagittarius. The sign that likes to visualise the whole picture, and expand both the inner and outer worlds through knowledge and long-distance travel. Sagittarius also loves to communicate and broadcast information to the world at large.

Book T calls this card “Swiftness”

The Rider-Waite-Smith card depicts 8 wands flying in formation through the sky, descending towards the earth. In the background are green undulating fields and a stream. The sky is clear and blue.

There are no people in this card, so the sender and the destination of the message is unclear. What is apparent is that the information arrives suddenly and carries momentum – it encourages action.

In a reading the 8 of wands symbolises a message, an inspired idea or vision, or goals and aspirations starting to come quickly to fruition. Thoughts are clarified and acted upon.

“The Eight of Wands represents rapid movement or change, a rush of ideas or energy. The wand’s trajectory – downward from the divine realm toward consciousness and from left to right (the future) – signals philosophical, religious, or spiritual growth. To achieve it, however, we must take the bounty of ideas coming our way and organise them, making them our own. They are not yet fixed (grounded) within us.

Spiritual Tarot by Echols, Mueller and Thomson ~ page 219-220

all in all

The aspects, the fixed stars and the tarot card associated with this New Moon are all pointing towards knowledge or a vision coming forth, that influences us to take urgent action. It would be wise though to make sure we use the knowledge or vision carefully and skilfully. Take time to briefly pause, troubleshoot any problems and make a plan, rather than leaping in hoping for the best!


8 of Wands from The Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schroter

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