Venus and Mars will be conjunct on July 13th, at 19° 48' Leo. A conjunction between Venus and Mars is not unusual, but equally, they don't come around everyday. A Venus-Mars conjunction takes place on average every 2 years - the last one was on August 24th 2019 at 4° 07' Virgo. But having said this,…
The Astrology of 2021
A look at the present moment & what's ahead in 2021 - key dates and details, a summary of some of the significant happenings in the sky. Advance warning .. this is a long read! Astrology is awe-inspiring. Reveals the invisible, what could potentially emerge, become visible and manifest in the world. At this point…
Venus Retrograde in Gemini ~ May 13th-June 25th 2020
During Venus retrograde - when from our earthly perspective Venus appears to move backwards - Venus disappears from the night sky, as she transforms from an evening star to reappear as a morning star. Venus is the 3rd brightest object in the sky after the Sun and Moon, she also has two distinct phases. Venus…