Saturn-Uranus Alignments & Vaccination

The Covid-19 vaccine is dominating headlines; Saturn Square Uranus is exact 3 times in 2021 & Edward Jenner, the pioneer of the smallpox vaccine and the procedure of vaccination - had a natal Saturn-Uranus square! Looking back in time certainly shows some interesting correlations with vaccination - including vaccination legislation - and Saturn-Uranus alignments. Saturn…

Astrology & Covid-19

Astrology & pandemics The Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 took place on January 12th, and the first confirmed death from Coronavirus was on January 9th 2020. On March 11th 2020 the World Health Organisation declared Coronavirus (Covid-19) a pandemic, when Jupiter (21 Capricorn), Saturn (29 Capricorn) and Pluto (24 Capricorn) were all close together - a…